Psychological well-being, or me and my life
Psychological well-being is defined in a variety of ways, however, it can be agreed that this term refers to individually perceived happiness and satisfaction with life. It has been found out that knowing psychological well-being helps to better understand individuals and whole societies. This is why in the last thirty years well-being has become one of the hottest research areas both in psychology and in other social sciences.
In our research we also focused on subjective well-being understood as:
- assessment of experienced positive and negative emotions (happiness);
- as well as assessment of the degree of satisfaction with one’s own life (satisfaction with life).
Likewise, in our research we pay particular attention to the health-related quality of life.
We refer to the so-called biopsychosocial model of health, defining health as a state of physical, psychological and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or disability.
The health-related quality of life indicates how much – despite the disease –a given person perceives himself or herself in everyday life as high functioning and free from physical, mental and social constraints. Therefore, monitoring quality of life in chronic diseases provides a valuable complement to traditional medical diagnosis.
Thanks to our research you can find out what is potentially important for the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS.
More information
Would you like to find out more about psychological well-being? Read our papers in this area and see related research materials.
Yout help to improve the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS
Would you like to explore your own psychological well-being and you are a person living with HIV/AIDS? Get in touch with us and contribute to raising reliable knowledge about the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS by completing a confidential questionnaire.
Join the project whose results will help to enhance the well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS, inspire specialists to develop effective methods of psychological support and contribute to better planning of assistance programmes. Start by CLICKING HERE.