About us

Dr hab. Marcin Rzeszutek
adjunct professor, Psychology Department, University of Warsaw
My academic career has been almost entirely dedicated to research into psychosocial conditions of the functioning of persons with HIV in Poland. I study negative aspects of life of people with HIV in the form of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as – paradoxically – positive aspects of life in this disease, that is the phenomenon of posttraumatic growth (PTG). Currently, under two grants of the National Science Centre, I analyse factors determining psychological well-being of persons with HIV, as well as factors responsible for stigmatisation of this group of patients. I also do clinical work as a Gestalt psychotherapist in a private practice.

Dr hab. Ewa Gruszczyńska
professor at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
I am a health psychologist, with scientific focus mainly on stress and coping, also in the context of resources promoting psychological resilience. I am interested in dealing with daily hassles and critical life events, including serious somatic illness. Within the UW-SWPS consortium I have been collaborating with Prof. Rzeszutek for several years, investigating correlates and mechanisms of well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS. I was a board member of the European Health Psychology Society (2013-2016), where I am currently acting as a national delegate. I am also a member of the board of the Health Psychology Section of the Polish Psychological Association and the editorial committees of Anxiety, Stress, and Coping; Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being; and Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine.

Dr Ewa Firląg-Burkacka
Specialist dermatologist and venerologist. Since 1993 head of Prevention and Treatment Consultancy at the Voivodeship Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Warsaw, the largest centre for treatment of people infected with HIV in Poland.

Małgorzata Pięta
Psychologist, psychotherapist, PhD student in the Doctoral School for Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. I do research concerning psychological and social aspects of coping with chronic somatic diseases.

Katarzyna Drabarek
Psychologist and PhD student in the Doctoral School for Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. I focus my research on the body image and stigmatization of people living with HIV.

Paula Malinowska
Psychologist, journalist, PhD student at the SWPS University. I focus in my research on searching for variables conducive to mental health.